My hair...was way too long. It took forever to dry, and even longer to style. Which usually led to me pulling it back in a clip or a hair tie. Hence, my need for a haircut.
Obviously, I can't cut my own hair. So I have to pay someone a ridiculous amount to cut it. When I was little, and my mom was paying, it was whomever was available at the Hair Cuttery. In college, it was usually this chick at Cat's Eye salon on Main St. Once I moved to Wilmington, it has been a variety of places - Fabrizio, Ulta, Michael Christophers, Ulta again. I left Fabrizios and Michael Christophers because my stylist kept increasing her prices, but my hair never looked any better, and that practice is baffling to me. I keep leaving Ulta because I want to get my hair done in a nice salon, not the back of some cosmetic store.
My search brought me to Roma Designs. A little rinky dink place on 202 that has no website and I haven't found anyone I know that goes there. You think that would have tipped me off. My thoughts were, it's been around a while so it has to be decent, but it can't possibly charge as much as Salon 926 up the street (a known, elegant salon that charges $45 just to cut hair).
Indications I'm in the wrong place
- I walk in and people just stare. Finally I said to the closest woman, "I have a one o'clock appointment?" "Oh" is her response. Then grumpily finds my stylist, who never introduces herself.
- The linoleum tile and mauve and teal decor.
- The hair washing chair that has to be manually tilted back.
- The stylists are all busy doing each other's hair.
- I'm 'out-aged' by at least 20 years by everyone in the place
- The stylists names are Betty, Dot and Rhonda
- My stylist is late 50s, crazy red hair and dresses like she's in her late 20s (I got Rhonda)
All of this, and you expect to pay $25 for a cut. Nope. FIFTY FREAKING DOLLARS!!!! I could have gone to Toppers in Rittenhouse Square and gotten a head massage and a glass of wine too for that!!!
Needless to say, I'm never going back there. At least the cut was ok....
No freaking way! I got a lady who gives you the head massage and dries it for 15, you can get your brows done for an additional 5, I know gas is high and all, but if you plan your visits might work out, and I am more worth the fifty dollars. I can't believe that!
i wish i had a great comment, but i don't. thanks for making me smile.
oh sorry, that was me, Leah
Dude. And RHONDA was like "please don't make me dry your hair! It's so thick and would take forever. And it's so humid out, it wouldn't be worth it."
I paid fifty freakin dollars that I SHOULD be using for gas! You are GOING to dry my damn hair!!!!
How unprofessional is that?!?!?
You are experiencing my pain. I tried to leave Amy and have only been disappointed. Ugh. Good thing John and I have a "don't ask, don't tell" policy as it comes to salon costs. But honestly, can you really put a price on beauty :)
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